Monday, January 11, 2010

Things I've Learned...

Here are some things I've learned or re-learned over the past few weeks:

1. Life/health is fragile-learned through Lindsay's darn cancer diagnosis!

2. The mess will be there tomorrow-Lisa Lundell

3.Family is #1-Cal is always good for this reminder

4. People/relationships are important

5. What you put in is what you get out-a pretty universal law that can apply to so many things-exersise, relationships, diet...which leads me to my next one

6. I have discovered that people and food are very important to me

7. I NEED my prayer time

8. I love my scriptures...if I ever lose them, it will be trauma!

9. I am trying to have a "heart like His" but it is harder than I thought

10. I need to listen to the Spirit more closely

11. I love raisin toast with LOTS of butter and cinamon sugar on it

12. I love flowers

13. Calvin is so good to me-I married the right person for me

14. You are never happier than your saddest child-Mom

15. Faith is vital

16. Life is good

17. It is nice to be busy

18. I have a good life

19. I LOVE my house

20.I am addicted to Orbit Sweet Mint gum

I've learned that I am so grateful to have grown up in that family that I did and have all of us still be so close. I learned that not everyone loves their in-laws (sisters and brothers spouses as well as husbands family) as much as I love mine. I have learned that living with teenagers I just have to love them and take the relationship day by day and be grateful for the great kids they are. I've learned how grateful I am fo all my children and for a husband who loves me and the family he married into. I've learned that I am very lucky after (19) years to have a strong marraige and to be in love with my best friend.

Looking back, it is amazing what a few weeks of life can teach. I am sure there is more...just not now. I'm headed to pick up the messes that will still be there tomorrow!


  1. I love it! And I love you Kate!

  2. Again, can NOT emphasize enough how happy I am you started a blog! I need my regular doses of Kim. And I love #14.

    PS Who is this "Kate" person Cal is talking about?? I'd look into that if I were you. :)
