2009 has brought it's share of fun times and learning times. In February Abigayle turned 6 and Kenner -9. We always have fun celebrating the February birthdays as my Mom's is the 1st-3 in one week!April brough lay-off's for Cal- at ime that we learned great faith and grew much closer as a family as we cut back on many of the "wants" of life and focused on our needs. In April we also went to visit Kim's sister Lindsay and her family. It was great fun! They are always such amazing entertainers and we love being with, Linds, Mat and the boys. Linds was soon to deliver an adorable little girl-Sophie Kay! So in May we welcomed Sophie on the 13th as well as celebrated Syd's b-day (15) and Afton's (12) and the END OF SCHOOL! What fun for me to serve in YW with three of my own daughters! June brought business with EFY for Tay and Syd, Lake Powell with the Hunts (family friends from Lehi). We also spent time in Nauvoo, Ill. which was an amazing experience for all of our family. Our testimonies of the Book of Mormon and the prophet Joseph Smilth grew by leaps and bounds! July introduced Girls Camp, Youth Conference and Scout Camp. It was a busy month as I went to Girls Camp with Tay, Syd and Afton, Attended Youth Conference with Tay and Syd, and Cal (being unemployed) attended and helped make kayaks for High adventure/Scout Camp. It was a great month and a great summer as we spent a lot of time together and grew a lot closer as a family. One of the great blessings of Cal being out of work over the summer was that he could be with us so much. Relationships were
strengthened and bonds were formed that would not have happened otherwise. Cal spent a ton of time helping other people in and out of the church when he was out of work. He grew close to a lot of people. He also started working at the temple once a week as an ordinance worker. Another great blessing in our lives! August brought the beginning of school- a big change for me was Abbie being in school full time. Thank heaven's Cal was not employed at the time- he really helped me through that transition. August and Sept. the kids were busy with school schedules, LOTS of homework-Tay and Syd both in High School, Afton started Jr. High, Kenner in 4th and Abbie in 1st. October brought a visit from Cal's Dad...always enjoy those! Also in October, we celebrated another big birthday month and enjoyed Tay's 17th birthday in sunny Florida, spending the day at Disneyworld! I took the kids out at the beginning of the week and Cal met us there toward the end. It was fun to all be together just realxing. In November, Cal myself, Tawna (sister) and Mike Poelman headed to Cancun for another week in the sun! That REALLY was realaxing as I had (the week previously) been released from my calling (and struggling!) and called as the new Parker Stake YW President. It came as quite a shock to all of us but has proven to be a blessing with it's schedule and opportunity to meet so many great YW and leaders. December started off exciting with Christmas preparations! The week before Chriatmas my sister Lindsay was admitted into the hospital. They have found some tumors that will have to be removed (unfortunately, not easily!) and the biopsy has not come back yet. It did bring a bit of a sober feeling to Christmas, a reminder that health is fragile and to keep our family relationships close. With Mom out in Kansas, Poelman's in Utah we spent C-eve with the Thiess' (Ryan-my brother) and Dad Thiess. It was quiet and enjoyable. The next day was great to just have our immediate family to gether. We stayed in our jammies all day, played games and then at 6:00 we had a lovely Christmas dinner that Dad joined us for. It was relaxing and we were able to focus on the Savior and each other. The New Year will bring many exciting things, health (for Lindsay), increased love in our home and faith in our Savior through whatever comes our way! For now, that is the 2009 up-date!
strengthened and bonds were formed that would not have happened otherwise. Cal spent a ton of time helping other people in and out of the church when he was out of work. He grew close to a lot of people. He also started working at the temple once a week as an ordinance worker. Another great blessing in our lives! August brought the beginning of school- a big change for me was Abbie being in school full time. Thank heaven's Cal was not employed at the time- he really helped me through that transition. August and Sept. the kids were busy with school schedules, LOTS of homework-Tay and Syd both in High School, Afton started Jr. High, Kenner in 4th and Abbie in 1st. October brought a visit from Cal's Dad...always enjoy those! Also in October, we celebrated another big birthday month and enjoyed Tay's 17th birthday in sunny Florida, spending the day at Disneyworld! I took the kids out at the beginning of the week and Cal met us there toward the end. It was fun to all be together just realxing. In November, Cal myself, Tawna (sister) and Mike Poelman headed to Cancun for another week in the sun! That REALLY was realaxing as I had (the week previously) been released from my calling (and struggling!) and called as the new Parker Stake YW President. It came as quite a shock to all of us but has proven to be a blessing with it's schedule and opportunity to meet so many great YW and leaders. December started off exciting with Christmas preparations! The week before Chriatmas my sister Lindsay was admitted into the hospital. They have found some tumors that will have to be removed (unfortunately, not easily!) and the biopsy has not come back yet. It did bring a bit of a sober feeling to Christmas, a reminder that health is fragile and to keep our family relationships close. With Mom out in Kansas, Poelman's in Utah we spent C-eve with the Thiess' (Ryan-my brother) and Dad Thiess. It was quiet and enjoyable. The next day was great to just have our immediate family to gether. We stayed in our jammies all day, played games and then at 6:00 we had a lovely Christmas dinner that Dad joined us for. It was relaxing and we were able to focus on the Savior and each other. The New Year will bring many exciting things, health (for Lindsay), increased love in our home and faith in our Savior through whatever comes our way! For now, that is the 2009 up-date!